
Tesla Giga Berlin-Brandenburg is back. As per an announcement from the electric vehicle maker, the Grüheide-based electric vehicle factory has resumed the production of Tesla’s best-selling vehicle, the Model Y crossover. 

Initial reports of Giga Berlin-Brandenburg’s return to vehicle production were related to German media outlets by the chairwoman of the works council, Michaela Schmitz, as noted in an rbb24 report. As per Schmitz, Model Y production resumed after Giga Berlin-Brandenburg’s machines were checked for safety. 

“The machines were checked and started up safely so that the early shift can start again,” she said. 

Schmitz also noted that Tesla employees and company management behaved professionally after the suspected arson attack. Tesla also reportedly paid its Giga Berlin-Brandenburg employees’ full salary while the factory was offline due to the attack. 

“In my opinion, that also went exemplary. In other companies, people might have already talked about short-time work,” the works council chairwoman said. 

While Giga Berlin-Brandenburg is back to producing Model Y crossovers, the alleged arson attack did affect the facility’s employees. In a comment to German media, Giga Berlin-Brandenburg plant manager Andre Thierig noted that some employees have asked if it was “dangerous to wear Tesla clothing outside the factory.” 

Thierig noted that CEO Elon Musk was also shocked about the situation. “He was shocked like us, offered his support, couldn’t believe it,” he said. 

While Giga Berlin-Brandenburg has been reported to be using half as much water as an asparagus farm, anti-Tesla narratives in the area still depict the EV maker as an entity that would take away water from the area’s residents. Thierig, for his part, highlighted that Tesla uses less than a third of the water it is contractually permitted to use. 

“We are in discussions with the water association about a possible reduction in the amount of water that has been agreed so far,” he noted. 

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has paid a visit to Giga Berlin-Brandenburg, where he was welcomed warmly by the facility’s employees. Media reports of Musk’s visit indicated that the CEO rallied the facility’s workers. “They can’t stop us,” Musk reportedly said. In a post on X, State Minister Jörg Steinbach also indicated that Musk had met with a number of government officials during his recent visit. 

“Tesla stands by the location and the state government stands by Tesla. Together, we condemn the attack, which must have legal consequences for the attackers. Thanks to everyone involved for the quick restart!” Steinbach wrote. 


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