The new version also introduces a redesigned call interface
Telegram is among our <a href=httpswwwandroidpolicecombest communication apps android>favorite messaging apps<a> for a good reason It provides a great chatting experience with the team behind the service constantly updating the app with new features and changes In 2023 alone Telegram rolled out nine significant updates and right at the end of the year it rolled out Telegram 105 with some major enhancements including a redesigned voice and video call interface a new vaporize effect when you delete messages and more<br><br>While Telegram is primarily a messaging app you can also video or voice call your friends Compared to Google Meet or FaceTime though Telegrams videovoice call experience is not that great This should hopefully change with Telegram 105 which is introducing a redesigned call interface with slick new animations and hundreds of underlying bug fixes Additionally the call background will now change dynamically based on the call status<br>telegram 10 5 revamped call interface<br><br><br><br><br><br><video poster=httpsstatic1anpoimagescomwordpresswordpresswp contentuploads202401telegram 10 5jpgfit=cropw=1024h=576 src=httpsvideoanpoimagescom202401telegram 10 5 revamped call interface 1704187549mp4><video><br><br>Play Video<br><br><br>More importantly the messaging service claims in its <a href=httpstelegramorgblogcalls and bots target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>announcement<a> the new interface is less resource intensive making it work better on older devices and saving battery life There are also improvements to call quality with more upgrades to connection and audio quality coming in 2024<br>The next time you delete a message it will disappear with a slick Thanos Snap Effect In November the vaporize animation was introduced on Telegrams iOS app as an experimental feature for auto delete messages Now it is available on Android and iOS whenever you delete a message<br><br>The biggest highlight of Telegram v105 is the massive update to the Bot Platform which the messaging service calls the largest in its history Bots are getting even more powerful and interactive thanks to Bot API v70 They can now react to messages manage reactions quotes links and more If you develop bots on Telegram check out the detailed release notes highlighting all the changes <a href=httpscoretelegramorgbotsapi changelogdecember 29 2023 target= blank rel=noreferrer noopener>here<a><br>There are seemingly more new features in Telegrams latest release but the team is not detailing them yet It promises to reveal them in January 2024<br>Before Telegram v105 the messaging services last major update arrived at the end of November It made it easier to <a href=httpswwwandroidpolicecomtelegram stories updates>find the channels you love<a> the ability to repost stories share video messages in stories and more It also made voice to text available to all free users of the platform it was previously limited to Telegram Premium members<br>WhatsApp remains the most popular messaging app with Meta rolling out regular updates to improve the service Despite the stiff competition Telegram has stayed relevant with its more advanced feature set which appeals to power users If you have just started using Telegram check out the <a href=httpswwwandroidpolicecomtop tips using telegram safely securely>top tips for using it safely and securely<a>