
Commercial spyware vendor exploits used by Kremlin-backed hackers, Google says

Findings undercut pledges of NSO Group and Intellexa their wares won't be abused. Critics of spyware and exploit sellers have long warned that the advanced hacking sold by commercial surveillance...

Unpatchable 0-day in surveillance cam is being exploited to install Mirai

Vulnerability is easy to exploit and allows attackers to remotely execute commands. Malicious hackers are...

Microsoft to host security summit after CrowdStrike disaster

Redmond wants to improve the resilience of Windows to buggy software. Microsoft is stepping up...

Android malware steals payment card data using previously unseen technique

Attacker then emulates the card and makes withdrawals or payments from victim's account. Newly discovered...

Hackers exploit VMware vulnerability that gives them hypervisor admin

Create new group called "ESX Admins" and ESXi automatically gives it admin rights. Microsoft is...

Judge mocks X for “vapid” argument in Musk’s hate speech lawsuit

Judge to X lawyer: “I’m trying to figure out in my mind how that’s possibly true." It looks like Elon Musk may lose X's lawsuit against...

How your sensitive data can be sold after a data broker goes bankrupt

Sensitive location data could be sold off to the highest bidder. In 2021, a company specializing in collecting and selling location data called Near bragged that it...

Vending machine error reveals secret face image database of college students

Facial-recognition data is typically used to prompt more vending machine sales. Canada-based University of Waterloo is racing to remove M&M-branded smart vending machines from campus...

“20 fake bank accounts opened in my name”: stolen identity turns into nightmare

Celia from Australia had a firsthand experience of the circles of hell that identity theft victims have to go through. Even years later, she...

Cryptocurrency maker sues former Ars reporter for writing about fraud lawsuit

Bitcoin Latinum angry about quotes from fraud lawsuit and Star Trek reference. The cryptocurrency firm Bitcoin Latinum has sued journalists at Forbes and, claiming that the writers made...

Encrypted email service Skiff gets acquired, will shut down in six months

Skiff users will lose their email addresses, need to export data ASAP. Skiff, an encrypted email and productivity startup, is being acquired and shut...

The real threat to cybersecurity isn’t cybercrime, it’s burnout

Cybercrime poses a significant threat to industries and individuals alike. However, there are some less obvious but just as damaging issues that we need...

Ongoing campaign compromises senior execs’ Azure accounts, locks them using MFA

The wide range of employee roles targeted indicates attacker's multifaceted approach. Hundreds of Microsoft Azure accounts, some belonging to senior executives, are being targeted by...

There’s gonna be a Tesla ad full of lies at the Super Bowl but it isn’t Elon’s

There’s gonna be a Tesla ad full of lies that will play the Superbowl today, but it isn’t coming from Tesla. After years of resisting,...

Chinese malware removed from SOHO routers after FBI issues covert commands

Routers were being used to conceal attacks on critical infrastructure. The US Justice Department said Wednesday that the FBI surreptitiously sent commands to hundreds of...

NCSC warns ransomware attacks to intensify due to AI

The number of cyberattacks will “almost certainly” increase in the next two years as artificial intelligence lowers the entry barrier for less skilled hackers,...

Growing Number of Ransomware Victims Are Refusing to Pay

Companies are now more adept at recovering from ransomware attacks, providing less of an incentive to pay the hackers, according to Coveware. For years, ransomware gangs have...

Passkeys for X is now live for iOS users in the US

Social media platform X has announced the launch of the innovative Passkeys security feature for iOS users based in the United States. The company announced...

iPhone users: turn on new security feature

Apple has released a new security feature called Stolen Device Protection – and you should definitely turn it on, experts say. Stolen Device Protection “adds...